Coffeecare, Ltd.
100% of donations go directly to our missions
100% of donations go directly to our missions
Founded in 2010, Coffeecare, Ltd. is a United States-based nonprofit organization that is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 corporation.
Part of our original plan was to sell coffee from the socially responsible Tanzanian coffee cooperative, Sweet Unity Farms. Sweet Unity Farms was founded by David Robinson more than two decades ago and now has over 300 families in the farming cooperative.
Our goal was to use 100% of the profits from our coffee sales for our Pediatric Cancer Medication Program and for our Educational Initiative.
As a matter of fact, our first donation of $600.00 to purchase pediatric cancer medications came from the sale of Sweet Unity Farms Coffee. In that endeavor we sold 300lb of freshly ground Sweet Unity Farms coffee and directly paid disabled vocational workers to apply the labels to the packaging. We saw this as a "win, win, win" scenario. Our foundation supported the rural farmers, provided income to local individuals with disabilities, and the entire profit, two dollars per pound, went directly to Bugando Hospital and was used to pay for pediatric cancer medications. A second model, which involved selling sample packages of Sweet Unity Farms Coffee, can be viewed on Vimeo at:
However, the competitive nature of online coffee sales led to people offering us less money than what the coffee and shipping actually cost us. At this time, we are revisiting how we may help the rural African farmers by selling Sweet Unity Farms Coffee and welcome suggestions by those better-versed in sales and marketing.
Meantime, we are confident David Robinson would welcome your outreach to his socially conscious business model and your purchase of what the New York Times called "The Cabernet of Coffee." Please visit the Sweet Unity Farms website at:
Our initial and primary mission, "The Pediatric Cancer Medication Program," began when we started wiring funds directly to Bugando Hospital in Mwanza, Tanzania. We have an agreement with the Hospital that the monies we send for this mission will be used specifically for the purchase of pediatric cancer medications that cure Burkitt's Lymphoma.
The chemotherapeutic medications cost only fifty dollars but most families cannot afford the course of therapy. Left untreated, the cancer metastasizes, disfigures the child, causing unnecessary pain, suffering and death,
Our second mission, "The Educational Initiative," began seven years ago when a Catholic nun contacted us and told us her nieces lost their father to AIDS. Their prospect for getting an education were diminished. We decided to help support the girls (now women) through Primary and Secondary schooling and wire funds directly to their school to assist in their education. See below how the two girls have grown,
Good news!
Thanks to your assistance:
We transferred 1,100 US dollars to Bugando Hospital on 12/30/2020 and followed that up with 500 US dollars on 02/22/22 which funds were and will be used to purchase medications that put Burkitt's Lymphoma into remission. The reality is that these funds will save the lives of 32 children who, without your support, would have endured needless pain, suffering, disfigurement, and death.
We added one more student in 2021. We are pleased to inform you that the school fees for all three women are up-to-date and the next payment is due in 2023. Please see below.
Contact: Chris Petrosino, FNP-BC
Telephone: (631) 404-8217
Your support and contributions will enable us to assist families who have children diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma receive appropriate, life-saving treatments.
Your support and contributions will enable us to continue providing educational assistance to three young women who were orphaned by the AIDS epidemic.
Thanks to your support, all three women have graduated what we call Middle School and we will continue to support their future endeavors.
Betila Valence us currently attending Murgwanza Institute of Health and Allied Sciences in Ngara, Tanzania, studying Social Work.
Monica Valence is currently attending Ruaha Catholic University in Iringa, Tanzania and is studying Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Hilpoliha Daniel's is currently attending St. David's College in Dar es Salaam, studying Pharmaceutical Sciences
Thank you in advance for your continued support!
At the beginning of 2021, we added one student, Hilpolitha Daniel.
We are thankful for your continued support which will enable us to
provide assistance for the education of these three women.
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